- Support of 8 bit (in addition to 16 bit) screen depth.
- Other bugs were fixed. Among the crucial ones:
- Playing assigned media, crashes the Player. This bug was fixed.
- Black fade out did not work. This bug was fixed.
- Rasterized text was not displayed properly. This bug was fixed.
- Presentations could not be launched by double-clisk. This bug was fixed.
• In ClickWorks Player for PPC & 68K Macs:
- Support for QuickTime VR. Please read below about the new QTVR Enabler extension.
- QT playback in non-rectangular boxes showed white areas. This bug was fixed.
- Transitions in time-frames were always random. This bug was fixed.
- QT playback was crashing. This bug was fixed.
• In ClickWorks Player for 68K Macs:
- QT playback was crashing. This bug was fixed.
Two New Extensions:
• New ClickWorks & ClickWorks Player for PPC extensions: QTVR Enabler.
These new extensions provide the ability to play QuickTime VR movies within ClickWorks presentations. Specifically, the extensions provide control over the display of the standard QuickTime movie controls beneeth the movie. Without proper display of the controls at runtime, QuickTime VR movies cannot be played. Please read more in "About New Extensions".
• A new ClickWorks Extension: Preview Options
This new extension is provided to speed up the work of multimedia designers by disabling the screen previews in the floating palettes. These previews take a long time to show up when the screen is crowded. The new extension adds a menu option in the Edit Menu. When this option is selected, the Time and Event palettes will not show previews of the selected elements.
New in 1.1
• ClickWorks Player for Windows 95 is provided.
The ClickWorks Player for Windows 95 runs on an IBM PC (or 100% compatible clone) 486/66 DX2 and a hard drive with at least 3 MB of free space.
Please refer to the "Cross-platform projects" file for more information.
The ClickWorks Player for Windows NT is in final stages of development, and will be made available free of charge in the near future.
• New effect in the Interactivity Palette: Open URL
When the effect takes place at runtime, an internet browser is launched and is directed to the specified URL. The decision which internet browser to launch is taken as follows:
On Macintosh:
First try to open a browser according to the settings in Internet Config.
If this does not work (no Internet Config), check whether there is a
currently running browser.
If there is one, use it, otherwise try to open Netscape and Microsoft Explorer.
If all these steps fail, ask the user to locate his browser.
On Windows:
Use the information in the Windows Registry.
• Animated GIF is now supported. Use animated GIF to create cell animation.
GIF files which contain only one frame are treated as image files.
GIF files which contain more than one frame are treated as movie files.
• Rasterized Text - when creating a Standalone presentation, you will be given the option to rasterize the text in the presentation. This will cause all the non-editable text boxes to be converted into images so that at runtime text will be displayed in the font designed by the author.
• Transparent White for Movies (QuickTime and Animated GIF):
If the 'Transparent White' check box in the Media Info Dialog is checked, white color in the movie will show through to display whatever is behind the movie's box.
• 10 new transitions for you to enjoy, including Rough Sea, Bomb Fuse and a random combination of transitions.
• A new ClickWorks extension, "ClickWorks Checker", scans the presentation and points out all Windows incompatibilities such as: unsupported media formats, unsupported effects etc.
• Displaying anti-aliased text in transparent boxes at runtime is now dramatically faster (more than 200%).
New in 1.0.4
• A new option is provided under the File menu: "Save & Optimize".
As a result of continuous changes to a ClickWorks document during the course of editing, the information within the document may become fragmented, or arranged in a non-optimal order.
'Save & Optimize' rearranges the document structure for best performance. Fragmentation is eliminated, and objects are rearranged in the file in the order they are expected to be read.
According to our evaluation, this optimization results in a performance boost of 10% to 30% (depending on the state of the specific document).
You may continue editing your document after 'Save & Optimize', and you may repeat this process any number of times.
• In the Time Palette: Echo line provides better feedback.
• In ClickWorks Player:
a. While editing text one can select, cut, copy & paste text.
b. Hitting the Escape key toggles the visibility of the menu bar even if the Finder is hidden.
• ClickWorks is now compatible with Aaron System extension.
• Dragging an alias whose original item does not exist to another presentation caused a crash - FIXED
• While in the Content Tool: Duplication of a box and undo, caused a crash - FIXED
• Dragging a local floating screen to another document caused a crash - FIXED
• When moving flags in the Time Palette - 2 flags could be placed on the same place,
causing one to be inaccessible - FIXED.
• In the Presentation Editor, selecting "Run" used to play the entire presentation.
It now starts playing from the first screen/folder in the open folder.
• Long expressions were truncated - FIXED.
• When there is not enough disk space to save a document, data could be lost - FIXED
• Improved localization in the French, German, Italian and Japanese versions.
• In ClickWorks Player:
Print effect now works while background printing is active.
• Much more...
New in 1.0.3
• Localized OnLine Help in French, German and Italian is now provided.
• New 'Animation Clips' are now provided as part of the ClickWorks Media Library.
These clips, like everything else in the CML, is for your royalty free use.
• WebLink, the ClickWorks extension that connects you the internet, now supports proxy
connection. To use proxy support seamlessly, you will need InternetConfig 1.3 which is
provided on the ClickWorks CD. InternetConfig is a popular network freeware utility
which stores your internet parameters and makes them available to applications.
To install and configure InternetConfig 1.3 follow these steps:
1. Double Click on the InternetConfig 1.3 application.
2. Confirm the installation of the InternetConfig extension.
3. In the Firewalls preferences activate the 'Use HTTP Proxy' checkbox, and
write your proxy name and port number (i.e. proxyName:portNumber).
4. Save the preferences.
5. If ClickWorks is running, please relaunch it.
• Improved sound handling:
- A 'Looping' sound would briefly pause when restarting - FIXED.
- Sound would sometimes stutter during transitions (particularly when
playing from a CD) - FIXED.
- The duration of multichannel sounds with different sampling rates
is now evaluated correctly.
- Support for compressed WAVE and AIFF formats: PCM, ADPCM, MSADPCM.
• New effects are provided by some ClickWorks Extensions:
'Mr. Speaker' extension - 'Stop Speaking' effect lets you shut the speaker up.
'Mr. QTPie' extension - 'Erase QuickTake Camera' lets you clear the photo storage in the
• Crash when entering template names longer than 31 characters - FIXED.
• Clone and template with expressions and variables didn't behave correctly - FIXED.
• Warning before removing colors and backgrounds which are being used in the presentation.
• Working on a clone which contains a Scenario, one would crash when deleting a box from
the Scenario - FIXED.
• Search Palette - crashed when deleting a box which appeared in the search results - FIXED.
New in 1.0.2
• WAV sound file format is now supported.
• WebLink Extension: Several problems were fixed, and WebLink is now a final release version.
• Mr. speaker Extension - a new condition and a new effect were added to the event palette:
It is now possible to inquire whether Mr. Speaker 'is speaking', and it is possible to 'stop speaking'.
• Some transitions were improved, and now work more smoothly.
• Goto Other... - going to another presentation and back (at runtime) could cause problems - FIXED.
• Sometimes ClickWorks would launch in 'Demo Mode' for no good reason - FIXED.
• Quitting from the Player when extensions were loaded, could cause a crash on some Macintosh models - FIXED.
• Using variables in templates could cause problems - FIXED.
• Drag & Drop a folder with the same name between documents caused a crash - FIXED.
• Zoom view (control-mouse down) on an alias with no original screen caused a crash - FIXED.
• Play a document without screens could cause a crash - FIXED.
• Wrong massage in the progress bar during delete - FIXED.
• A transition could be assigned to a scenario (this had no meaning) - FIXED.
• Assigning media to the Background box did not work - FIXED.